Meet our 2024 Board of Directors
Warren Wild
McBride's, Inc.
1010 2nd St., NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Vice President:
John Messina
Tampa Spring
8820 N. Brooks Street
Tampa, FL 33604
Toni Nastali
Spring Align
1531 Springside Place
Downers Grove, IL 60516
Jodie Cresswell
Allied Spring & Services
428 Adirondack Street
Rochester, NY 14606
Ken Dias
Dias Spring Service
364 W 12th St.
Erie, PA 16501
Stephen Burkholder
Ace Spring Service, Inc.
3011 E Commerce St.
San Antonio, TX 78220
Ken Mard
Superior Spring & Mfg. Co.
2300 State St.
Hamden, CT 06517
Mark Broehm
Accurate Alignment & Frame
3020 W. Franklin St.
Appleton, WI 54914
Supplier Liaison:
Drake Piper
Supplier Liaison:
Eric Coffman
Meritor, Inc.
7975 Dixie Highway
Florence, HY 41042
Industry Liaison:
Don Jones
SSA provides a forum for the peer to peer exchange of technical and business information to all members. At the annual convention, as well as through our website and newsletters we provides training on technical issues dealing with shop operation and safety. Business seminars contain instruction on industry trends as well as operational issues ranging from insurance to marketing.
Our annual convention provides an opportunity to sit in on lectures and seminars as well as associate with other members who are always willing to share their concerns and experience with fellow members.
Members also have the opportunity to associate with Suppliers and Manufacturers who join for the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with their customers.